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Showing posts from December, 2014

Customized Joomla Development Services is now simplified by iMOBDEV Tech...

10 Best Recommended Tools for Android Developers!

Wha t makes a good craftsmanship? Yes, inspiration, right time, right conditions… and.. good tools? This is 1  where a good craft can stand out. Good coding craftsmen know that and unfortunately are not always prepared to reveal the tools they use.  Our   Android developers  decided to change that. Below follow some of the tools we use in the process of developing disruptive Android apps for our clients. Some of them you will be probably hearing for first time. Feel free to try them all as you go. We would love to hear your experience with each one of them. 1.   TestObject A quite new app with a great concept. A tool which helps Android developers make test scenarios, record them and execute them whenever needed. It works in different environments which makes it great for QA and testers. Free and premium versions are available depends on the size of your need. 2.   Genymotion Is there an Android developer out there who does not suffer from using the official Google Androi